Where I Stand I am a private person. Not private to the extent of being reclusive like Howard Hughes or Greta Garbo. Not public though, like those that feel the need to post their every move on Facebook or Twitter. Do you really need to know that I’m running to town to get ice cream, will be back in 15 minutes and then I’m going to wash a load of clothes and then I’m going to curl up on the couch with my dog and watch my favorite shows. NO! I will share the highs and the lows of my life with family and friends. I enjoy spending time with people I care about, but I don’t need to know everything about ya business, nor you mine. I am a private person. I do not care for artificial. Especially people .So many have become indifferent to the world around them, fake smiles, fake feelings. It’s easy I suppose. They feel comfortable in this artificial, throw away world we have created. What is real anymore? ...